Property valuation specialists
in Monmouthshire & South Wales

If you want to find out the exact value of your property, call the professionals at Davis & Sons Surveyors Ltd.

Property surveys and valuations done by experts

When you evaluate your property, you need to be sure that the valuation is based upon the latest real estate market and updated knowledge of the property. Davis & Sons Surveyors Ltd is experienced in making accurate valuations of domestic and commercial properties in and around Monmouthshire and South Wales.

What is property valuation?

Rather than providing a detailed analysis of a property, a valuation tells you exactly where it stands in the market, giving you an accurate estimation of its current value. Our reports are written in clear and simple language which helps you to understand all the details with ease. We also provide land valuations and Home Survey Reports.

When can you need a valuation?

  • To find out the exact cost of a property
  • When obtaining a mortgage
  • When making an offer on a property
  • To determine the amount of capital gains tax due
  • For the purpose of a dispute resolution
  • Matrimonial dispute

We offer a wide range of property inspection services including land valuation and building surveys. Call us today

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